Global BABC Organization

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The British-American Business Council (BABC) is the largest transatlantic business network, with 22 chapters and 2,500 member companies based in major business centers throughout North America and the United Kingdom.

Its membership includes many of the world’s largest multinationals, as well as hundreds of middle market companies; and it enjoys the support of an International Advisory Board which includes the Chairmen and Chief Executives of more than 50 major multinationals as well as the UK and US Ambassadors.

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Its chapters and member companies participate in the BABC to gain access to a broader transatlantic business network and to a wide range of marketing, networking and business intelligence benefits and opportunities.

On behalf of its members, the BABC also actively engages with government on a broad range of policy issues to ensure that their actions take account of our members’ views and interests. We maintain an ongoing dialogue with Government on many of these issues and make direct, formal representations to Government on issues of particular concern. For a summary of its its 2019/20 policy agenda, click here; for its latest news and policy updates click here; and for further information, please contact: Emanuel Adam, Director of Policy & Trade at BritishAmerican Business. The BABC has designated a Transatlantic Steering Committee to oversee its policy program, and BritishAmerican Business (its London/New York chapter) to take the lead on it.

How is the BABC Governed and Administered?

The BABC is a not-for-profit membership organization. Its chapters are independent business organizations that participate in the BABC to provide a broader transatlantic business network and additional benefits for their member companies.

The BABC is governed by its Board of Directors (which includes a representative of each of its chapters) and its Executive Committee (which includes a representative from each of its major regions, as well as its principal officers). Its Chief Executive and Secretariat are based in New York.

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Visit the Global BABC website here.